We’re Bromford Flagship

Bromford Housing Group (Bromford) and Flagship Housing Group (Flagship) have merged to create Bromford Flagship.

With over 80,000 homes across east, central and southwest England, we plan to deliver 2,000 new homes each year for the next 30 years. But we do more than build houses — we create communities where people can put down roots, feel secure, and thrive.

“There is an enormous need for the affordable housing and services we provide.

Through this we help people with their lives and there are very few other organisations that are able to unlock the capacity to do so” 

Robert Nettleton, CEO






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Bromford Flagship finalises first funding following merger


Bromford Flagship finalises first funding following merger

Newly merged housing association Bromford Flagship has finalised a new £100 million Revolving Credit Facility (RCF) with Royal Bank of Canada (RBC).

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Bromford Flagship merger completed, creating a stronger organisation for the future


Bromford Flagship merger completed, creating a stronger organisation for the future

Bromford Flagship is pleased to announce the successful completion of the merger between Bromford Housing Group Limited and Flagship Housing Group Limited.

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Bromford and Flagship announce intention to merge


Bromford and Flagship announce intention to merge

Following agreement by both boards, Bromford and Flagship have today announced their intention to merge. Coming together they will build on the strength and complementary capabilities of both organisations to create a new organisation – Bromford Flagship.

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